This small set of exercises will help you start exercising without prior preparation or sports equipment.

Each movement can be made easier or more difficult to suit your fitness level to get the maximum benefit without suffering from severe muscle pain the next day.

Also, feel free to adjust your work and rest times to finish without severe shortness of breath or the feeling of imminent death.

How to do the workout

First you need to do a little warm-up. Set a timer and do two rounds of the following exercises:

  1. Jumping Jacks.
  2. “Climber”.

Do each for 30 seconds, then rest for half a minute and move on to the next one. Thus, the warm-up will take you 4 minutes.

Then do the following exercises:

  1. Push-ups (from a support) – 10 repetitions.
  2. Raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach – 10 repetitions.
  3. Exit to the reverse bridge – 10 repetitions.
  4. Bulgarian split squats (lunges) – 12 per leg.
  5. Squats – 20 reps.
  6. Walking with hands in a standing position – 5 walks.
  7. Crunches with bent legs – 20 reps.
  8. Side plank raise – 10 reps per side.

Perform all the exercises in a row, resting 60–90 seconds between them. Try not to remain idle for longer so that the muscles do not have time to cool down.

After finishing the last exercise, start the main complex over again. Do three circuits.

How to do the exercises

Jumping Jacks

Perform “feet together, feet apart” jumps. When you put your feet wide, clap your hands above your head; when you bring them together, lower your arms to the sides of your body.

Rock climber

Stand in a lying position and alternately pull your knees to your chest. If your wrists hurt, you can place your forearms on the floor and do a low plank climber.

Push ups

If you can do classic push-ups, do them. Make sure that your shoulders do not pull towards your ears, your lower back does not sag, and your elbows move close to your body.

If this is too difficult, do push-ups from a support – a bench, chair or step.

Follow the technique: do not place your elbows to the sides, keep your abs tense, try to touch the elevation with your chest.

Raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach

Lie on your stomach with your arms straight above your head. This is the starting position.

Bend your elbows and bring them to your sides, while lifting your chest off the floor and lift your legs. Hold for a second, return to the starting position and repeat.

Exit to the return bridge

Sit on the floor, place your palms behind your body, bend your knees. Straighten up at the hip joints, raising your body as high as possible, as far as shoulder mobility allows.

Ideally, your body should be parallel to the floor. Fix the position, squeeze your buttocks to provide additional stress to the muscles.

Smoothly lower back to the starting position and repeat.


Do air squats. Make sure your back remains straight and your heels do not leave the floor at the bottom of the exercise.

If you have dumbbells or kettlebells at home, try doing weighted exercises to put more stress on your legs.

Bulgarian split squat

Stand with your back to a low support, place the toe of one foot on it and perform squats on the other.

Try to squat lower. Lean your body forward slightly, do not slouch. Make sure that the knee of the working leg does not curl inward and that the heel does not lift off the floor.

If this is too difficult, do regular backward lunges. For additional exercise, you can pick up dumbbells.

Walking with hands in a stance

Stand in a lying position next to a low support and place the balls of your feet on it. Tighten your abs so that your body is rigid and your lower back does not bend.

On your hands, approach the support, keeping your legs straight until your body is perpendicular to the floor. Then return to the prone position and repeat.

If your arms can’t stand it yet, try the same thing without elevation. Stand in a lying position, and then move your arms, moving closer to your legs. Go back and repeat.

Crunches with bent legs

Lie on your back, bend your legs at right angles at the hip and knee joints. Place your hands behind your head.

Perform body crunches, lifting only your shoulders and shoulder blades. Leave your lower back pressed to the floor.

Try not to bring your hands together or hug your head – spread your elbows to the sides, do not press your fingers on your head and try to relax your neck.

Side plank raise

Get into a side plank position with your legs positioned so that one is slightly in front and the other is slightly behind. You can place your free hand on your belt or raise it.

Lower your pelvis until it touches the floor, and then lift it as high as possible so that your body arches.

Make sure that the body moves only up and down, but not forward and backward. Imagine that your body is between two walls.

Let me know how you like the workout. Did you manage to load your muscles?

Read on to continue your training 🧐

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