Jedi Knights perform incredible jumps and somersaults, spin with laser swords, and easily balance on moving objects.

It can be assumed that during training, in addition to the ability to control the Force, they also undergo serious physical training. We imagined what training might look like for young padawans.

Try it, and may the Force be with you!

How to do the workout

The complex consists of the following exercises:

  1. Somersault over the shoulder with a turn.
  2. Lumberjack exercise.
  3. Box jumping.
  4. Burpee with pull-up.
  5. Circling a dumbbell around your head on Bosu.
  6. Handstand.

Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, rest for the remainder of the minute. After completing one circuit, rest for 60 seconds and start again. In total you need to do three circles.

This workout is best performed if you have basic physical fitness and do not have musculoskeletal diseases or cardiovascular pathologies. Otherwise, some exercises may be harmful.

How to do the exercises

1. Somersault with a turn

This exercise will improve your coordination and warm up your body. It will come in handy if you need to quickly escape the attack of some Sith or stormtrooper.

Lay down a soft rug. If possible, even two are better. Squat down and place your hands in front of you. Then lower your right shoulder to the floor, perform a somersault, stand up, turn around and repeat the same in the opposite direction.

During the somersault, be careful with your neck; your body weight should rest on your shoulder.

2. Lumberjack exercise with a dumbbell

This exercise strengthens the core muscles, especially the obliques, which will help the Jedi become better with the sword. In the video we used a lightsaber, but for a good muscle workout, you’re better off choosing a dumbbell.

Take the apparatus with both hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the dumbbell above your head while turning to the right. The right leg will stand on the foot, the left – on the half toes.

Then lower the projectile down and to the left so that it passes diagonally in front of the body and go into a shallow squat. Imagine cutting your enemy in half. After this, return to the first position again, moving the dumbbell up and to the right.

Perform the exercise for 20 seconds in each direction.

3. Box jumps

Explosive power would definitely come in handy for a Jedi. For example, to jump onto the ramp of a starship to escape from a Sith.

Stand next to a stable elevation about 50 cm high. If you are already an experienced Jedi, you can find a higher support – 60-70 cm.

Jump onto a hill, straighten up completely and step back down.

4. Burpee with pull-up

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of pull-ups for a Jedi. Take, for example, the duel between Obi-Wan and Darth Maul. The strength of his arms kept the Padawan on some ledge in a giant well, and still allowed him to win the fight, cutting the enemy into two halves.

But since not every Jedi can do pull-ups for all 40 seconds, we added burpees to the exercise.

Stand under the horizontal bar. Bend over and place your hands on the floor. Jump into a prone position and lower your chest and hips to the floor. Then, leaning on your hands, lift your chest off the floor, bend sharply at the hip joints and place your legs closer to your hands.

Straighten up, jump out and hang on the horizontal bar. Do a pull-up, jump to the floor and repeat the exercise from the beginning.

5. Circling a dumbbell around your head on Bosu

Training in unstable conditions is essential for a Jedi. After all, he will have to fight in a variety of conditions or, for example, sail across a lake of lava on some piece of a ship.

Place the Bosu with its hard side facing up, pick up a dumbbell and stand on the platform. Climb in carefully. If you are unsure of your sense of balance, do this next to a wall or other stable support that you can grab onto.

Lift the projectile and circle it around your head from left to right, and then do the same in the other direction – from right to left. Alternate sides until the end of the interval.

6. Handstand

This exercise will strengthen your shoulders and improve your sense of balance. Just don’t put Yoda on his feet until you feel confident.

Stand on your hands and hold in this position for 40 seconds. If you don’t yet know how to stand on your hands without support, stand next to a wall or use a simplified version with your feet on a box.

Go to a stable elevation about 50 cm high, place your toes on it, and then move a little closer so that your arms and body are extended in one vertical line. Hold for 40 seconds in this position.

Let me know how you like the workout. Did you feel the Force?

Keep training 🏋🏻

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