This workout will help strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, as well as work on shoulder stability.

You can do this short complex at the end of the main workout, if there was no special emphasis on the shoulder muscles, and also perform it as a separate small warm-up if you don’t have time for a full workout.

How to do the workout

The training consists of the following exercises:

  1. Kettlebell snatch.
  2. Chest clean with rotation.
  3. Bent over with a kettlebell.

Perform the exercises for 30 seconds on each arm without taking breaks. Everything will take 3 minutes. Then rest for 60 seconds and repeat the complex again. Do three circles.

As for the weight of the projectile, it is better to take lighter weights. To start, try performing a few reps of each exercise with a 6kg or 8kg kettlebell.

If this is too light, you can take a heavier shell – 12–16 kg. But keep in mind that you will be working non-stop and your shoulders will get a good load.

How to do the exercises

Kettlebell Snatch

Take the kettlebell by the handle and place it between your legs, slightly tilting your body with a straight back. Sharply straighten your hip joints so that the weight flies forward and upward. It is important that the projectile moves due to inertia.

When the weight flies above your head, insert your hand into the bow so that the projectile hangs on the base of your thumb like on a hook. Extend your arm fully and make sure the weight is at about the level of your ear, not in front of your head.

Drop the weight down, grabbing it by the handle, and bring it back between your legs. Repeat from the beginning.

Take note ✍🏻

Clean with rotation

Take the weight in your right hand, throw the projectile over your chest and turn your body to the left. Place your right foot on your toes.

Throw the weight off your chest while simultaneously turning to the right so that the weight passes along a semicircular path. Now the left foot will be on the toe.

Using the momentum of the projectile, throw it onto your chest. Fix it for a second, drop the weight again and, having carried it along the same trajectory, turn to the left and take it to your chest.

Continue in this manner for 30 seconds, and then switch hands: take the kettlebell in your left hand and continue the same movement for the rest of the minute.

Bent over with kettlebell

Take the weight in your left hand and throw it across your chest. At the same time, do a small squat, bend over with a straight back, turn your body to the right and extend your left arm with the apparatus towards the ceiling. Direct your gaze to the weight.

Touch the floor with the fingers of your right hand, then carefully return to the starting position, rest for 1-2 seconds and repeat again.

Let me know how you like the workout. Are your shoulders tired?

Keep training 🏋🏻

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