What is oversharing

Oversharing is the excessive sharing of information about oneself. Moreover, the data can be so personal that it can shock the interlocutor and make him feel awkward.

What exactly is considered private information is a debatable issue. In one of research The researchers asked participants to describe what they considered oversharing. Topics noted included health concerns, political views, personal relationships, and religious beliefs.

On the other hand, this sounds like a description of the feed of the average social media user. Moreover, sometimes posts on such topics have important social significance. For example, there are bloggers who focus on talking about their illnesses. This allows readers to learn more about the author’s condition, removes the stigma from a particular disorder, and helps integrate people with certain diseases into society.

Sometimes people consider oversharing to be situations where being too talkative can be dangerous for the author.

For example, if a person shares their exact address or constantly marks their location, this may compromise their safety. And sometimes the information disseminated can harm not the author, but the casual reader. Let’s say a person without a second thought talks about sexual practices on a website with a children’s audience. This can hardly be considered appropriate.

For the above reasons, oversharing should be discussed with a lot of caveats in mind. Sharing something personal is not shameful and does not necessarily lead to any serious consequences. However, it is worth talking about this phenomenon as an integral part of digital hygiene. Because sometimes people regretthat they disclosed more data than necessary.

Why do people reveal too much information about themselves?

Due to the disinhibition effect on the Internet

When people communicate face to face, they see each other’s reactions and know when they say something wrong. A person may be prompted to show restraint by the status of the interlocutor, his age, or even his place of work. And if someone nevertheless opens up, he can be stopped, sometimes quite aggressively.

Internet removes these restrictions. The author of posts and comments feels more anonymous. He does not feel the level of vulnerability and responsibility that arises during personal conversations, and therefore is much more willing to share information about himself.

Due to underestimation of risks

When people share personal information, they weigh the consequences. And often pay more attention benefits rather than potential risks. For example, if a person right now wants to share his opinion on a controversial issue on social networks, he is more likely to think about immediate approval than about the likelihood of not getting the desired job in a couple of years because of such a post.

And there are always benefits from sharing secrets. First of all, this strengthening ties And support from the community.

For fun

The idea that talking about yourself feels good is pretty obvious. But she confirmed science. When we share something personal, the areas of the brain associated with reward are activated. The desire to get your dose of joy hormones can be a powerful incentive to dump out more and more new information. Including one that should not be distributed.

To better experience the moment

When a person shares good news to someone, their well-being improves, and the event itself becomes more meaningful and memorable. That is, sharing joy with someone literally means increasing it.

Because of anxiety and loneliness

People who have difficulty communicating may experience this fact in different ways. Sometimes they apply to social media to cope with anxiety and loneliness. In this case, oversharing helps you feel close to a large audience. The connection with subscribers itself may be superficial. However, the author will believe that there is something strong between them, because he is sharing sensitive information.

Due to lack of self-control

Sometimes a person just difficult to cope with emotions. At a certain point, the feelings are so overwhelming that he sees no other way but to share them. This often happens during difficult periods. For example, outbreaks of oversharing can be observed when breaking up with a partner or quitting a job. This may be an attempt to understand your emotions or an indirect request for help and support.

How to deal with oversharing

There’s no way with someone else, for this there is an “unsubscribe” button on social networks. With your own, it’s more difficult, because it’s not entirely clear where the line is between a normal desire to share ideas and news and excessive dissemination of information.

In this case, there is common sense and the laws of the Russian Federation. Think with a clear head about what information you are willing to share with the world. Exactly in this formulation. After all, everything that gets onto the Internet may sooner or later become apparent; you cannot protect yourself from this one hundred percent. Determine for what purpose you are sharing this or that information, what you get from it and what the consequences may be, including long-term ones.

For example, now you really want to post nudes on Twitter. But are you really never going to send a resume to a company that doesn’t encourage that? Wouldn’t you really feel embarrassed if your children’s classmates found the photo? These questions are not an attempt to shame or dissuade. If you publish photos, write posts or comments consciously, you can do it. The main thing is to remember that this is your area of ​​responsibility and you will also have to answer for the consequences.

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