What kind of training is this
Training 12-3-30 is 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill at a 12% incline at 3 mph or 4.8 km/h.
The first mention of this workout appeared on the YouTube channel of fitness blogger Lauren Giraldo. IN video the girl said that she does this every day, like many of her subscribers.
Giraldo also showed a screenshot of a comment in which a woman claims the 12-3-30 workout helped her lose 30 pounds in three months. There were other reviews and “before” and “after” photos with girls who lost weight in the video.
A year later, this method of exercising on the treadmill appeared on TikTok and became a real trend.
We will try to figure out whether the method is really effective for losing weight, who should try it and how often it can be done.
Does 12-3-30 really help you lose weight?
In one study, researchers found that walking on an uphill treadmill increased the metabolic cost of exercise—the amount of energy the body burns to complete the task.
According to calculations, walking on a surface with an incline of 5% requires 52% more energy than walking on a flat surface. When the slope of the track increased to 10%, the metabolic cost increased by 113%.
So we can assume that the workout is 12-3-30 will burn at least half as many calories as regular walking. That is, the energy cost will be comparable to running.
But whether this will ultimately help you get rid of extra pounds and how quickly is a big question. There is not a single study that confirms the effectiveness of the 12-3-30 workout for weight loss or even shows that walking uphill without adjusting your diet actually contributed to weight loss.
It is logical to assume that if you exercise regularly and do not replace the lost kilograms with increased portions, weight loss will still happen. But how quickly this will happen and how long the effect will last is anyone’s guess.
Are there any benefits to working out 12-3-30?
Besides the increased calorie burn, the 12-3-30 workout has several benefits.
Strengthens leg muscles
When climbing uphill, the muscles on the back of the thigh tense up six times stronger than when walking on a flat surface. And the gluteal muscles and the outer head of the quadriceps are 3.4 and 3.6 times larger. The load on the calves and rectus femoris also increases.
Thus, regular uphill walking can strengthen your muscles, increase joint stability and health.
Improves stamina
Hill walking can be a great alternative to running for those who don’t like this type of cardio or are worried about their knees.
Although running does not harm healthy joints, walking is still much less common. turns around injuries than jogging.
At the same time, due to the slope of the track 12–3–30 quickly raises heart rate and, in the long term, pumps up endurance faster than regular walking.
Can 12-3-30 Workout Harm You?
If you have heart or lung problems, or any disease that does not require intense exercise, 12-3-30 may make your condition worse. So, before going to the gym, consult your doctor.
In addition, walking at a greater incline Maybe become a strong stress for joints, muscles and tendons that are not familiar with such a load.
So if you have musculoskeletal problems, such as joint disease, ask your doctor if you can try this workout.
And even if everything is fine, start gradually and do not overdo it.
In an article from Verywell Health, runner Stephanie Brown, who completed the New York City Marathon, toldthat just one 12-3-30 workout gave her lower back pain. The doctor explained to her that the unusual bend caused a lot of stress, and did not recommend doing this every day.
How to try the 12–3–30 workout
Follow a few rules to avoid harming your body:
- Warm up – walk for a few minutes at a slow speed with a slight incline.
- Increase the incline gradually, a few percent at a time. As you adapt, add more.
- Keep a water bottle handy to replenish lost fluids.
- If you feel dizzy or have joint or muscle pain, stop exercising immediately.
All people have different levels of training, so there is nothing wrong with practicing not 30 minutes for the first time, but 20 or even 10.
Over time, you will be able to increase the duration of work. But do it comfortably for yourself so that there is no severe muscle pain and negative consequences.
How often to do the 12–3–30 workout
Lauren Giraldo speaksthat does this workout every day, but that doesn’t mean you have to do the same.
The frequency of exercise depends on your level of physical fitness and the reaction of your body.
If 12-3-30 doesn’t leave you out of breath, sweating, and exhausted when you’re done, you can do it five days a week.
Those who find training difficult should go uphill 2-3 times a week, alternating with 1-2 days of rest or other types of training.
And under no circumstances should you ignore the body’s signals. If walking uphill caused pain in the lower back or joints, you should not repeat it again.
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