Why does sperm leak from the vagina?

During a man’s ejaculation stands out from 1.5 to 5 ml of sperm, but not all of this volume reaches first the uterus and then the fallopian tubes. The main part remains in the vagina, mainly on rear its vault. Nothing holds the sperm there, and eventually it flows out under the influence of gravity.

Can sperm leakage interfere with conception?

In some cases, you can get pregnant even if pre-ejaculate, the fluid that is released from the head of the penis during sex before ejaculation, has entered the uterus. It can also be sperm, but in small quantities.

During ejaculation itself, some of the seminal fluid will still enter the uterus and fallopian tubes. And if the couple is in good reproductive health, and the egg is ready for fertilization, then there should be no problems due to the leakage of sperm after sex.

After coitus, it is not necessary to take a plow or birch tree position, or simply lie on your back or stomach in order to specifically retain sperm.

In one research In 2016, scientists tried to find out whether rest helps increase the chances of getting pregnant after artificial insemination – the introduction of sperm obtained outside of sex into the uterus. They divided the women into two groups: some lay down for 15-20 minutes after the procedure, and others did not. As a result, in the first group, pregnancy occurred in 32% of cases, and in the second – in 40%.

Scientists processed the results and stated that lying down did not show a positive effect on pregnancy rates. Most likely, the conclusion also applies to natural conception.

Poses with raised legs too Not needed. The idea of ​​the method is to help sperm move in the right direction, but they do this very well on their own.

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What can actually interfere with conception?

The chances of pregnancy depend on many factors: age, frequency of sex, general health.

Infertility is only talked about if a couple cannot conceive child is one year old. And if a woman is over 35 years old, then six months of unsuccessful attempts is enough.

In men to infertility lead:

  • Problems with sperm entering the female reproductive tract. They can occur due to premature ejaculation, cystic fibrosis, testicular blockage, and injuries to the male reproductive organs.
  • Diseases or conditions in which little sperm is produced or its quality is reduced. These include undescended testicles, enlarged testicular veins, genetic defects, hormonal problems and health problems such as diabetes and various infections.
  • External factors – exposure to radiation, certain pesticides and chemicals (bleach, insect repellent), high temperature, for example during frequent visits to baths or saunas, as well as taking medications for infections, high blood pressure or depression.

Male infertility May be also idiopathic. This means that all sperm tests and other indicators are normal, but the partner still does not become pregnant.

In women there are reasons that may bring to infertility, more. These include ovulation disorders, damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, cysts and scars on the pelvic organs, and primary ovarian failure, in which the sex glands stop working properly and menstruation ends before age 40.

Also, the chance of successful conception decreases if either partner experiences cancer, especially those that affect the reproductive organs. Fertility can also be affected by radiation and chemotherapy.

What should a couple do if they can’t conceive a child?

If it is too early to talk about infertility, but you are planning to have a child, you can increase your chances of conceiving.

Make an appointment with a doctor

It is worth going to the doctor even before you decide to conceive a child. Important discuss with a specialist about the medications you are currently taking and any necessary vaccinations. The doctor will also tell you what to do before pregnancy to prevent congenital problems in the unborn child.

If there are any diseases now, they need to either be cured or brought under control. This applies to STIs, diabetes, hypertension and thyroid diseases.

And if you have been trying to conceive for some time, but have not been able to, doctors will find out the cause of the problem and help eliminate it.

Try to keep your sperm healthy

This is how a man can do it do:

  • Avoid sports-related groin injuries by wearing protective gear.
  • Choose loose underwear and trousers.
  • Avoid hot baths, steam baths and saunas.
  • Do not put laptop or phone on your lap.
  • Do not take anabolic steroids.

Have sex regularly

The advice is obvious, but regularity is still very important. Highest conception rate observed in couples who have sex every day. If you can’t do it every day or don’t want to, try to plan coitus once every three days, starting soon after the end of your menstruation.

The ideal time to conceive is to have sex during ovulation. During this period, the egg is ready for fertilization. Ovulation usually occurs after 12–16 days before the start of menstruation. In order not to miss it, you can use a pharmacy test or focus on characteristic signs:

  • the amount of clear, moist and stringy vaginal discharge increases;
  • Your resting body temperature is slightly higher than normal.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Stop drinking alcohol and smoking. These factors not only reduce the fertility of both partners, but also affect the health of the unborn child.

Excess weight also affects the ability to conceive: in women it can stop ovulation, and in men – reduce the number of sperm in the ejaculate.

Avoid toxic substances and environmental pollutants

These include tobacco smoke, bleach, synthetic paints and solvents, some metals, fertilizers, bug sprays, and cat or rodent feces. These substances may damage reproductive system and make it difficult to conceive.

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