The toll is increasing, according to Russian authorities. Six people were found dead in the collapse of a building in the Russian town of Belgorod, near the Ukrainian border, Russian emergency services announced on Sunday May 12 on Telegram. A previous report from the authorities, who claim that the building was hit by a Ukrainian strike, reported at least 20 injured.
Russia claims the capture of four new localities in the Kharkiv region. The Russian Defense Ministry claimed the capture of four additional localities in the Kharkiv region, in the border area of northeastern Ukraine. This announcement comes two days after the launch of a ground assault by the Russian army in this area. On Saturday, the Russian army claimed to have conquered six Ukrainian villages, including five in the Kharkiv region.
The evacuation of the Kharkiv region continues. More than 4,000 people have been evacuated from border areas in the face of the Russian offensive, the governor of this region of northeastern Ukraine said on Sunday.
Ukraine says it is counterattacking against the Russian offensive. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky assured, in a speech on Saturday evening, that Ukrainian counterattacks were underway in the Kharkiv region. “Disrupting Russian offensive plans is now our number one task”he said, adding that it was necessary “return the initiative to Ukraine”. He once again urged kyiv’s allies to speed up arms deliveries.