Why do women fart with their vaginas?

Sounds from the vagina that resemble flatulence are called differently: vaginal wind, singing vagina, queefing. This happens when air enters the vagina, and when the position of the body changes, it comes out with a characteristic sound. But, unlike gases from the intestines, vaginal gases have no odor.

Most often, the vagina makes sounds during or after sex, but it also Maybe farting during physical activity. For example, while jogging, doing abdominal exercises, while stretching and doing yoga.

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Why don’t all women fart with their vaginas?

In principle, this can happen to any woman. But there are circumstances that increase risk of sounds coming from the vagina.

  1. Vaginal birth. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the pelvic floor muscles often lose tone, the vagina becomes looser and more open – and air penetrates into it more easily.
  2. Prolapse of the anterior or posterior vaginal wall. This also often happens after childbirth, but can also happen without it. For example, due to heavy physical activity, hormonal imbalance, constipation or age-related changes.
  3. Surgeries on the genital organs, such as hysterectomy, pelvic floor reconstruction.
  4. Prolapse of the pelvic organs. 47–66% of women with this condition experience vaginal wind.
  5. Stress urinary incontinence. Up to 73% of women with this diagnosis experience queefing.
  6. Low body weight, which causes weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.
  7. Certain sex positions in which the vagina opens wider and takes in air.

All of these factors in one way or another contribute to the fact that the vagina becomes more open, which increases the risk of air penetration.

When to go to the doctor

As a rule, queefing is not dangerous to health and does not particularly interfere with life.

However, in rare cases it Maybe indicate a retrovaginal fistula – an opening between the vagina and rectum.

Symptoms of this condition include:

  • foul discharge and unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • leakage of stool from the vagina;
  • pain during sex;
  • recurrent vaginal and urinary tract infections.

Fistula Maybe occur after trauma to the vagina, such as during childbirth, due to inflammatory bowel disease, radiation therapy to the pelvis, certain types of cancer, and complications during surgery.

If you notice signs of a problem, go to the gynecologist. Approximately half of small fistulas that occur after injury heal without treatment within 6–9 months. But in some cases, surgical intervention may be required, and if an infection is added, antibiotic therapy.

What to do to avoid vaginal farts

Since queefing is often associated with weakness in the pelvic floor muscles, strengthening them can prevent awkward moments.

Try Kegel exercises – squeezing and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. Lie on your back, relax, and then execute following:

  1. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. Imagine that you want to pee and are trying to hold back from urinating. But only in the imagination – Kegel exercises should be done with an empty bladder.
  2. Hold the tension for 8–10 seconds.
  3. Relax completely.
  4. Repeat 8-12 times.

With regular exercise, Kegel exercises will improve the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, which will help prevent queefing.

How to Reduce the Risk of Vaginal Winds

First of all, farting with a vagina is not such a disaster. If you accept this feature of the female body and treat an awkward situation with humor, nothing bad will happen. It’s unlikely that anyone will remember this at all.

Still, if you want to reduce your risk of vaginal wind, there are a few things you can try.

During sex

Avoid positions that relax the pelvic floor muscles as much as possible, such as doggy position. In this position, intra-abdominal pressure belowthan in the missionary position, and therefore the vagina opens wider and captures air.

In addition, air can penetrate inside more actively if the partners move so that the penis almost completely leaves the vagina before the next friction. You can change the amplitude during intercourse.

Yoga and stretching classes

In asanas where you need to lift your hips up, such as bridge pose or sarvangasana, try it enter the exhaling position. Release the air so that your navel moves closer to your spine.

Also you can Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles during poses and stretches. Yoga even has a special name for this technique – root lock, or mula bandha. By doing this, you will prevent air from entering the vagina.

If certain asanas usually make you fart in your vagina, you can skip them altogether. As a rule, yoga teachers do not insist that their students perform absolutely all elements. Remember that any discomfort, including psychological, is a sufficient reason to refuse the exercise.

What not to do

Among the ways to quickly deal with queefing, the use of a tampon is sometimes mentioned. Yes, it will help fill the vagina and prevent air trapping, but there is a risk of harm to your health.

Tampons it is forbidden use outside of menstruation. They absorb natural lubrication, which leads to vaginal dryness and discomfort.

In addition, in rare cases, wearing a tampon for more than 8 hours Maybe provoke a dangerous condition. If in the vagina There is Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which secrete a toxin, then keeping a tampon inside for a long time can poison the body, harm the heart, kidneys and liver, leading to toxic shock and death.

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