High blood pressure kills. And this is not a metaphor – World Health Organization believes hypertension is the leading cause of premature death worldwide.

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What is high blood pressure and why is it dangerous?

High blood pressure is called the silent killer, and for good reason. Hypertension (hypertension) often does not have pronounced symptoms, but it sharply increases the risk of developing dangerous cardiovascular disorders and stroke.

In some people, hypertension may arise shortness of breath, headaches and nosebleeds, but these manifestations are easily confused with signs of other diseases. Therefore, the most reliable way to detect high blood pressure is to measure it.

Blood pressure (BP) is measured in a two-number format.

  • The first – systolic pressure – tells how much (in millimeters of mercury) the blood presses on the walls of blood vessels during its ejection into the aorta due to contraction (systole) of the heart muscle.
  • The second – diastolic – records the blood pressure at the moment when the heart is resting between beats. Relaxation of the heart muscle is called diastole.

In general, blood vessels are elastic. But if the blood pressure gets too high, they may not be able to cope. A rupture of a vessel in any important organ leads to serious consequences, including death.

How much pressure is considered too high? In 2017, the American Heart Association recommended consider high blood pressure from 130/80 mm Hg. Art. In Russia and Europe the bar is higher – 140/90.

If your blood pressure is at this level or higher, you are at risk. Urgent action must be taken.

How to tell if you have high blood pressure

Most people with hypertension do not experience any symptoms. Therefore, the most reliable way to detect high blood pressure is to measure it.

Signs may to appear, if the indicator reaches 180/120 or more. Here’s what happens:

  • ​​severe headaches,
  • chest pain,
  • dizziness,
  • labored breathing,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • deterioration or other changes in vision,
  • anxiety,
  • confusion,
  • noise in ears,
  • nosebleeds,
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

Who is most likely to have high blood pressure?

Risk of hypertension growing in people who:

  • are overweight
  • eat too much salt
  • do not consume enough fruits and vegetables,
  • drink too much alcohol and caffeinated drinks,
  • smoke,
  • they get nervous a lot
  • don’t play sports
  • have reached 65 years of age,
  • live in a disadvantaged area.

High blood pressure may also be connected with diabetes: 6 out of 10 people with this disease have hypertension.

The likelihood of problems is also affected by heredity. Blood pressure is more likely to increase in those whose relatives have experienced this condition.

How to quickly lower blood pressure at home

Let’s say right away: if you complain about hypertension, you should definitely go to a therapist or general practitioner. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, refer you to another specialist. Depending on your blood pressure level, your lifestyle and other factors, your doctor will select an individual prevention and treatment plan for you and, most likely, prescribe medications that will help bring your levels back to normal.

But if for some reason you haven’t yet seen a therapist, here are a few ways to help lower your blood pressure. Choose the one that seems most comfortable to you, or combine several to achieve maximum effect.

1. Take a few deep breaths

How show research, proper deep breathing is one of the most effective ways to quickly reduce blood pressure. As the volume of inhalation and exhalation increases, the concentration of oxygen in the blood increases. Thanks to this, the body does not need to accelerate blood flow to provide all organs and tissues with oxygen, and the load on the vessels is reduced.

  • Relax, close your eyes.
  • Take a deep breath, counting to 5. Inhale not from your chest, but from your stomach. To control, place your hand on it: you should feel it rise.
  • Then exhale – again for 5 counts.
  • Repeat for 3-5 minutes.

You can try to delay breathing after exhalation for 8-10 seconds – choose the exercise option that seems more comfortable to you.

2. Take a hot bath

Pour water at a temperature of about 45 °C into a basin and immerse your hands or feet in it for 10 minutes. Hot water will force it to expand vessels in the extremities, blood will flow to them, and high blood pressure will decrease somewhat.

3. Eat a piece of chocolate

This method fits, if a person has a systolic pressure above 140 mm Hg. Art. or diastolic above 80 mm Hg. Art.

It is better to choose dark chocolate without additives – it contains more flavanols, which reduce blood pressure.

Remember: for some people, the caffeine found in chocolate can cause an even greater increase in blood pressure. At least in one lobe of the substance completely A little, it’s better to play it safe and do a test. On a day when your blood pressure is normal, measure it before the coffee break and 30 minutes after and compare the values. If the numbers have increased, it is better not to eat chocolate, but to use another way to lower the pressure.

4. Drink warm mint tea

If you are not allergic, steep a pinch of mint leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes, let cool and sip the tea slowly. Peppermint in this form Maybe reduce blood pressure.

But remember: mint enhances the effect of high blood pressure medications. So be careful.

5. Try juices

In some cases, juices can help reduce pressure. For example, you can drink grapefruit or tomato. The thing is that they contain lycopene, potassium or other elements that are useful for hypertension.

Be careful. You should not drink grapefruit juice if you are taking calcium channel blockers, used to treat blood pressure, and statins, which are used to lower cholesterol.

6. Take valerian tablets

Valerian is a powerful sedative that helps the body cope with stress. Thanks to her heart will start beat more calmly, blood pressure will decrease. Important: when taking, do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions!

7. If you are nervous, try to calm down

Stress is one of the most common reasons hypertension. If you feel the pressure rising from your nerves, try to relax. We understand that this can be difficult. Here are a few ways to help:

  • Meditation in silence or with calm music.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation method.
  • Yoga (even the simplest asanas will do).

Even more ways 🙌

What medications help lower blood pressure

Several types of medications can be used to normalize blood pressure. Most often, one is not enough – and a person needs to drink a combination of several, such therapy valid better.

Please remember that side effects may occur after taking any medication. Therefore, the doctor must select medications taking into account the characteristics of your health.

Here are the most common medications appoint.


Diuretics provoke Frequent urination, which helps reduce potassium levels. A good balance of this substance is necessary for proper heartbeat. Doctors usually suggest chlorthalidone and hydrochlorothiazide.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

They block the formation of a natural chemical constricting blood vessels and helping to relax them. The doctor may prescribe lisinopril, benazepril, captopril.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)

These drugs also relax blood vessels, but due to the fact that they block the action, and not the formation of a vasoconstrictor substance in the body. The most commonly prescribed drugs are candesartan and losartan.

Calcium channel blockers

Some help relax the muscles of the blood vessels, others slow the heart rate. Calcium channel blockers may be more effective in older people and dark-skinned people. These drugs include amlodipine, diltiazem.

While taking such medications, patients should not eat grapefruit.

How to lower blood pressure permanently without medications

Let us remind you once again: the methods listed above to reduce blood pressure at home are emergency measures. It is necessary to fight the “silent killer” only with the help of a doctor, scrupulously following his recommendations.

But there is also good news. Lifestyle has a huge impact on blood pressure levels. It is enough to change it to healthy side, and either hypertension will subside completely, or your need for medications will significantly decrease.

Experts from the authoritative research organization Mayo Clinic compiled list of 10 necessary life changes:

  1. Get rid of excess weight. Every kilogram lost will reduce your blood pressure by about 1 point.
  2. Exercise regularly. Your choice is aerobic exercise: long walks, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing. Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to these activities. In this case, you will be able to reduce your pressure by another 5-8 points.
  3. Eat healthy. More fruits, vegetables, grains (porridge), less fat, semi-finished products, baked goods. Reviewing your diet will help you “subtract” up to 11 points from your blood pressure level.
  4. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet. At least for a little bit. This will help lower your blood pressure by 5-6 points. Remember: WHO and other authoritative sources recommend consume no more than 5 g of salt per day, which is less than a teaspoon!
  5. Don’t drink alcohol or at least limit the amount of alcohol. Including beer. The latter leads to fluid retention and increased pressure. In addition, the substances contained in beer increase the amount of fatty tissue in the abdominal area, and this also has a bad effect on blood pressure. In general, there is no safe dose of alcohol. But if you can’t completely give it up, at least do not exceed norm. For women, this is 330 ml of beer, or 150 ml of wine, or 50 ml of a 40-degree drink per day. For men – twice as much.
  6. Quit smoking. Each cigarette increases blood pressure by 25%.
  7. Adjust your sleep schedule. For this try sleep at least seven hours a day, go to bed and get up at approximately the same time even on weekends, and do not nap during the day.
  8. Try to reduce stress. Chronic stress is one of the main triggers of high blood pressure.
  9. Monitor your blood pressure at home and consult your doctor regularly. Home monitoring can help you better understand which lifestyle changes work and which don’t.
  10. Reach out to family and friends for support. Tell them about your problem and ask for help. Caring for loved ones will make your struggle easier and reduce stress.

And further. As we said, large amounts of caffeine can increase blood pressure in some people. If you are one of them, try eating less. products with this substance: directly coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cola, strong tea.

This material was first published in October 2018. In March 2024, we updated the text.

Take care of yourself ❤️❤️❤️

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