In general, sharks are rare attack at people, even if they are nearby. In 2022, according to information American organizations, there were only 57 unprovoked attacks.

Obviously, you are not in danger of being attacked on the city beach of Sochi, where there are a lot of people and only small, harmless katrans are found. But at other resorts this no longer seems fantastic: on June 8, a tiger shark in Hurghada attacked for a tourist. Unfortunately, this led to the death of a person.

How to Avoid a Shark Attack

Remember how to avoid attacks.

  1. Don’t swim in estuaries, especially after rains. After rain, fish are often carried out of rivers, which attract predators.
  2. Stay away from fishing boats. There will always be fish remains and blood nearby, so sharks can swim nearby to hunt.
  3. Don’t swim near fishermen. Although there will be less blood next to one fisherman, the shark may still be interested.
  4. If you are bleeding, do not go into the water.. Of course, this applies to dangerous places. But if there are wounds somewhere or even just at that moment you are menstruating, then the smell of blood will attract the attention of sharks. They can smell it even at a distance of 1.5 km!
  5. If you cut yourself in the water, go to shore. In this case, it’s not just about the sharks, but also the fact that you may need help.
  6. Avoid schools of fish and seals. Even if the shark had no plans to find human prey, you should not swim near its hunting grounds.
  7. Stay away from large groups of birds and dolphins. If you see them in the water, they may be feeding at that moment. This means that the predator may well want to fight for their prey. And don’t expect that the size of a dolphin will scare off a shark – they also become victims.
  8. Avoid places where fish and meat waste enters the water. This is almost ready-made bait that attracts sharks.
  9. Do not go into the water at dusk or at night. At this time, there are fewer people on the beaches, and sharks swim in search of fish.
  10. Avoid murky waters, harbor entrances, canals and steep drop-offs. These areas are often visited by predators for hunting.
  11. Wear a not too flashy swimsuit. Colors such as yellow and orange can attract a shark. As well as jewelry, which can sparkle and resemble scales.
  12. Act calm. Splash less and attract attention, and keep overly active pets on the shore.
  13. Find a company. It is better to swim, surf or dive with other people. Sharks most often attack individuals alone. In addition, a partner can provide assistance.
  14. Don’t swim too far from shore. This distances you from help and makes you an easy target.
  15. If fish or turtles begin to move erratically, leave the water. They may behave this way because there is a shark nearby.
  16. Leave the water quickly and calmly if you spot a shark. Do not provoke, chase or lure a shark, even a small one.
  17. If a shark approaches you, do not attract attention. As long as she doesn’t attack you, there’s no need to make any sudden movements. She might lose interest. If you have a catch with you, let it go and calmly swim away.
  18. If you feel something touching you, get out of the water. You need to make sure you don’t get bitten. It sounds like science fiction, but there have been reports that victims of shark bites often do not feel pain due to adrenaline.

What to do if you are attacked by a shark

Don’t give up and defend yourself. You have a chance to emerge victorious.

Use everything you have on hand

If an attack is unavoidable, defend yourself with any available weapon: mask, diving equipment, surfboard, harpoon and other fishing equipment. Anything will do. It’s not as dangerous as punching and kicking.

Hit sensitive areas

Even if you only have arms and legs, try to hit the face, eyes or gills. Touching them can frighten the shark and force it to abandon such aggressive prey.

Be aggressive

Don’t pretend to be dead, this could be interpreted as an invitation to eat. Resist, wave your arms and legs aggressively.

What to do after a shark attack

It’s possible to survive a shark attack, so don’t panic and try get out of water.

Stop the bleeding

If you are bitten, try to stop the bleeding before leaving the water by applying pressure to the wound. Most sharks won’t bite again, but you can’t rule it out.

Get to the shore

After the attack, leave the water as quickly and calmly as possible.

Ask for help

Seek medical attention immediately, no matter how minor the injury appears.

How to help a victim who has been attacked by a shark

If you see a shark in front of you attacked per person:

  • Call for help.
  • Even before leaving the water, press the vessels with your fingers or apply a tourniquet.
  • Get the victim out of the water as quickly as possible.
  • Protect him from the cold with towels or blankets from your first aid kit to minimize heat loss.
  • Do not move the person unless necessary.

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