Some people are born genetically gifted. People like Gisele Bündchen, Adriana Lima and Tyson Beckford may work very hard to maintain their stunning looks, but let’s face it… they started off with a big head start. And although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, these people make millions because most people find them so easy on the eyes.
¿But what about the rest of us?? Those of us who are authentic, normal and ordinary? ¿What we can do to get a piece of the modeling pie? Well, it’s not all about perfection (or a casting agent’s interpretation). Here are five ways to get paid to be on camera.
1. Take advantage of your hands, legs and feet
Sometimes, you don’t need to have a great body, face, or physique to get paid a lot of money to be a model. If you have the right hands, legs, or feet, you can make a lot of money as a model.
One of the first advertising shoots I attended was for a financial company promoting DIY loans. We needed a shot of a guy’s hand painting a wall. So we hired a hand model. When he arrived, he looked like the typical guy you’d see on the street or at a baseball game. But he was wearing gloves.
When he took them off, his hands were spotless. Robust, masculine, but with great skin and proportions, and perfect nails. She carried with her a bag containing all of his equipment and supplies, including a manicure set, lotions, creams and balms.
If you have good hands, legs or feet, you could win up to 1,200 dollars a day! However, you may not be able to help with the dishes going forward… which is another plus!
2. Contact modeling agencies specialized in “uglies”
It’s a horrible word to describe anyone, but it’s become kind of an acceptable word in the modeling industry. It turns out that if you’re not perfect, you’re ugly. And there is a lot of demand for ugly people, a category in which I apparently find myself.
Take a look at Ugly Models and you will see that the place is full of people who simply do not have the makings of a supermodel. They may be taller, shorter, fatter, thinner or simpler than the typical supermodel. But they are not ugly at all. Many are very handsome; most have an average or above average appearance. They represent the vast majority of us, and they are paid well for it.
3. Model for life drawing classes
If you are not shy and want to earn a little extra money, there is a great demand for life models who are people «real«. I speak from experience. I studied Fine Arts and Visual Communication in college, and life drawing classes were mandatory. The most boring people to draw were, by far, those who had no character; people without visible body fat, without wrinkles, without scars, without signs of aging. We called them mannequins.
When a 60-year-old guy with 15 extra kilos got naked, we all knew we were going to get something much more interesting for our wallet. Taller, shorter or simply more unusual people were always favored by the class.
Now your first times will be hard. You have to go through a lot, and you don’t get paid much. It will only cost you $40 to $50 for three hours of work, which includes a variety of poses and a lot of sitting still. The easiest way to get work is to simply call local art schools and studios in your area. There will always be work, if you dare.
4. Catalog model
Clothing catalogs, tool catalogs, and even gardening catalogs don’t want to feature high-end models or incredibly attractive people in their publications. They want real people with normal bodies and common features. ¿The reason? They don’t want you to focus on the people, but on what they are wearing or using.
Now, they also don’t want people considered overweight or obese, unless they market those specific types of clothing. But yes, you can find modeling work if you are very overweight, especially now that a large percentage of the American population is obese. Search for terms like “overweight models” or “plus size modeling work.” Men, women and children of all sizes can find work in the catalog industry.
5. Become a background artist, or “extra”
¿Imagine if movies and TV shows were only filled with the most beautiful people in the world? It would take you completely away from the world that the directors and screenwriters are trying to create. That’s why there will always be paid work for background artists.
It’s much easier to find extras work if you live in a place known for making a lot of movies and TV shows. For that reason, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago will always be at the top of the list. But in all cities, including yours, movies and series are constantly being made. Wikihow has some tips on how to become an extra, and it’s not difficult. You will need a portrait (What you will need for any other type of modeling work) and a flexible schedule. Most of the work involves standing around waiting for the director to yell “action.” Chances are you won’t have a speaking role for many years, so you’re basically getting paid to be a “moving model.” It can also be a really fun way to meet people and add a splash of color to your resume.
¿Have you ever been paid to be a model??