What not to wipe your butt

It is better to put aside ordinary wet wipes. They are too thin, so particles of feces can get on the skin of your hands. And the fragrance may cause irritation and allergies.

Newspapers and paper used for printing and drawing are also not suitable. These materials are too rough and can damage the delicate skin around the anus.

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What’s the best way to wipe your butt?

There are few acceptable options.

Dry disposable toilet paper

Disposable paper is easy to use and recycle. I wiped it, threw it away, forgot. It is better to choose a more durable product made from several layers. This way you will be sure that it will not break at the most important moment.

Reusable toilet paper

You can make it yourself from flannel fabric. Such a product is unlikely to tear in your hands. But reusable toilet paper has a big disadvantage. After each use, it must be washed, and separately from other things.

Wet toilet paper

An obvious advantage is that the use of such products simulates washing. But scientific evidence on the benefits of wet materials is limited and contradictory.

In one research Scientists noticed that in almost a third of people with itching and burning in the anal area, when switching from dry to wet toilet paper, the symptoms decreased. And the subjects felt even better when they washed themselves after defecation with plain water.

Data from other work testify about rare cases of allergic dermatitis. It occurred as a reaction to methylchloroisothiazolinone, a preservative found in some brands of wet paper.

It should be borne in mind that products should not be flushed down the toilet, even if the packaging says “biodegradable”. Such waste can clog pipes.

How to wipe your butt correctly

Instructions like this:

  1. Tear a few pieces of toilet paper from the roll and then scrunch or fold them.
  2. Reach your hand behind your back to your butt.
  3. Place the paper on your anus and, without applying too much pressure, make a gentle wiping motion from front to back. This is important for women because their urethra is quite close to their butt. Men can wipe in any direction.
  4. Use new pieces of paper as needed and continue until they are clean.
  5. After wiping, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

If, due to weight, injury, or for some other reason, you cannot reach your butt from the back, you can place your hand in front between your legs. But for women, the wiping motion still needs to be done from front to back.

What happens if you wipe your butt incorrectly?

When a woman wipes her butt from back to front, she can introduce bacteria from the anus into the urethra. Eventually arises urinary tract infection. The problem makes itself felt by the following symptoms: discomfort appears in the lower abdomen, the urge to urinate becomes frequent and painful, and there may be blood in the urine.

It is the anus that should be wiped, not the area around it. You also need to ensure that contact with the butt is only through toilet paper. Otherwise you can injure delicate skin and not notice it. This will result in small cracks, scratches or tears. If bacteria gets into the lesions, an infection may also occur.

If you rub the anus too vigorously, polished anus syndrome may occur, in which a person feels itching and irritation appears on the skin.

Is it possible to wipe your butt while standing?

There has been no research on the best position for wiping. We believe that the sitting position has its advantages. For example, this way the anus opens up more, which means it is better accessible for cleaning.

If you really want to wipe yourself while standing, no one forbids you. There are no official statistics, but, according to various sources, 30–35% people do it this way.

How to properly wipe yourself after diarrhea

If you poop frequently, wiping may cause soreness and irritation on the skin. There is also a risk of removing all natural skin oils, which will also result in itching.

To prevent this from happening, try washing your butt rather than wiping it when you have diarrhea. To do this, you can use a bidet or shower. If this is not possible, here is another one way:

  1. Take a plastic bottle, preferably with a “sports” cap.
  2. Pour warm tap water into the container.
  3. Place the bottle under your butt, but do not press the neck or cap against your anus.
  4. Press the bottle so that a stream of water hits the anus.
  5. After you wash your butt, you need to gently pat it dry with paper or a towel.

You don’t have to throw away the bottle. The main thing is to wash it with hot water and soap after each use and store it where no one can take it from. If necessary, make a mark on the container with a marker to make sure nothing gets mixed up.

Is it possible not to wipe your butt at all?

Not worth it. It is better to follow this basic rule of hygiene. If you do not wipe, particles of feces will end up on your underwear, and from there into the urinary tract. Also, bacteria can easily spread to your hands, and from them to your face, food and other people.

As a result, you and those around you may arise infections, including hepatitis A and E, cholera, adenovirus and E. coli.

Maintain hygiene 🛀

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