What is bird buckwheat
Knotweed, knotweed or bird’s buckwheat is a herbaceous plant with small flowers and a creeping stem.
Dried herb is used in herbal medicine and can be purchased at a pharmacy. The product is poured with boiled water, infused and drunk.
What is bird buckwheat known for?
Manufacturers claim that in folk medicine, bird buckwheat is recommended for tuberculosis, asthma, and nervous exhaustion. Also included in the indications are headache, obesity, and rheumatism.
But most often the remedy use for kidney stones and other problems with the urinary system.
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Who should definitely not take bird buckwheat?
Herbal medicines, like conventional medicines, influence on the body and can affect the performance of medications that a person is already taking. Therefore, even the most harmless decoction can cause harm if used incorrectly.
About the side effects of bird buckwheat so far not reported. However, pregnant and lactating women should not consume knotweed, if only because there are no studies confirming or, conversely, refuting the safety of the plant for these conditions.
Does bird buckwheat really help with kidney stones?
Let’s say right away: in international recommendations There is no information on the treatment and prevention of kidney stones in bird buckwheat. There are no randomized controlled studies that would show a positive effect of the plant on this disease.
Committee on Herbal and Medicinal Products does conclusions about the effectiveness of the plant only based on many years of use. Experts note that a decoction of bird buckwheat accelerates urine production and can only be used for minor problems with the urinary tract. True, under what conditions they do not specify. But urolithiasis is definitely not among the indications. Therefore, if you are ill, it is better to consult a doctor and get an appointment with him for traditional treatment.
How to really get rid of kidney stones
Therapy can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. He will figure out how big the stone is, and will offer a person has one or more treatment options.
If the passage of a stone causes discomfort, the doctor will prescribe a pain reliever. This may be a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
Facilitation of stone passage
To speed up For the passage of stones stuck in the ureter, the doctor may prescribe the patient a special medicine – tamsulosin. Means relaxes muscles of the prostate gland and bladder, which facilitates the outflow of urine. But this drug should not be used by women and children.
Stones measuring 9–10 millimeters do not pass out on their own. Therefore, removal may be necessary. For this, doctors sometimes suggest urethroscopy. The procedure uses a thin endoscope that is inserted through the urethra and bladder into the kidney. This allows the doctor to see the stone and break it into smaller ones that can pass more easily.
External shock wave lithotripsy
This treatment method may be prescribed if the stone has formed in the upper part of the ureter and its size is less than a centimeter. During the procedure, the doctor uses a special device to direct sound waves towards the stones. As a result, they break up into smaller ones.
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
This is a surgical method for removing very large stones that cannot be removed any other way. During surgery, the doctor inserts an endoscope into the kidney and removes the stone.
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