At a discreet Russian military airport, south of Moscow, technicians work around a fleet of Ilyushin-96 or Super-jet Sukhoi 100 planes. Civilian aircraft, but which are assigned to the highest dignitaries of the regime, “super VIPs”. Dmitri Medvedev, the former president and Prime Minister, Sergei Shoigu, the indestructible Minister of Defense, Dmitri Peskov, the faithful spokesperson of the Kremlin, a few others… even Vladimir Putin himself, who has his IL -96, when he is not flying aboard a Tupolev strategic bomber to promote his propaganda. The warmongers’ planes.
It is a very specific part of aircraft that technicians are interested in: the system which manages, from the cockpit, all the on-board electronics. From cabin lighting to the on-board transmission and communications network, including controls for individual seats or screens.