More than 5.6 million inhabitants – including 15,000 French expatriates – live in this island city-state whose GDP per capita is one of the highest in the world. Stress is legion… and taboo.
A little less than 15,000 French people are expatriates to this day in this island city-state whose GDP per capita is one of the highest in the world… Singapore is rich, very rich, ultra-modern and resolutely turned towards the future. But it is also – according to Bloombergand journalist Karishma Vaswani who has lived there for several decades – the world capital of stress and overwork.
Retirement at 31
It is here, on these 734 km2 where 5.6 million inhabitants live, that we find the most stressed workers on the planet. Despite extremely comfortable living standards, the mental health of Singaporeans is catastrophic. And the subject is taboo since daring to talk about it to loved ones or worse, to colleagues is extremely frowned upon and is considered a weakness. A real omerta…
And the government? Apparently, the State encourages employers to indulge in this trend that we know well – flexibility at work – particularly in terms of working hours… But every year, it raises the retirement age. Which should reach 65 by the year 2030. And imagine that a young man of 31 has caused ink to flow. Because he embodied this Singaporean dream, writes Bloomberg. A man named Ashish Xiangyi Khumar. Brilliant subject.
A leisure center – the “rage room” to relieve stress
He won a scholarship to study at the University of Cambridge. Comes out with merit and distinction. Obviously obtains consideration in the world of work, a golden job… but announces, at the age of 31 – that he decides to retire. From now on his daily life will only be reading, writing, hiking, and classical music… I would add that he has no debt and zero financial pressure since he does not want to start a family. He arouses a lot of emotion among his fellow citizens… Between wonder – and jealousy.
It’s a little fairy tale but the reality is quite different… In 2017, in Singapore, a “leisure center” opened – that’s how Google categorizes this place called “The Fragment” Room” installed in an abandoned noodle factory in central Singapore. Translate as “Rage room”, a place to let off steam where you have to put on white overalls, a helmet and gloves, then break – as you wish – dishes, printers and other everyday objects with a baseball bat.
Moments of release necessary from a very young age
The goal is simple: relieve stress with family or friends. This leisure center – therefore – is rated 4.7/5 on Google. And theAFP reports this funny scene – two young 18-year-old students who are just finishing their exams… and who come to let off steam in this room. Because stress and competition, let us remember, are legion from a very young age…