An American mother of five children returned several books late to the municipal library. The police decide to issue an arrest warrant against him.
Her name is Kaylee Morgan, she has five children and lives in Navasota, a city in Texas in the United States. This mother discovered that she was the subject of an arrest warrant from the local police because she had not returned the books to the municipal library on time, reports NBC News.
“Theft of government property”
Kaylee Morgan explained that she borrowed several books, five or six in total, in March 2023. These were for her children, who are taking classes at home. But at that time, the mother was expecting a new child and was also suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which is “a worsened form of morning sickness which can affect certain women during their first trimester of pregnancy”details The Parisian.
But in April, the library sent her several letters informing her of a late notice but also that she had to pay the sum of one dollar, then two dollars. After 10 days, if the books are not returned, the case would be taken to court, since it is a criminal offense punishable by a fine of up to 500 dollars (approximately 460 euros). .
Kaylee Morgan assured that the books were returned a few weeks late, a month at most. But more recently, the mother went to renew her driving license and discovered that she was the subject of an arrest warrant and is being prosecuted for “theft of government property”noted Click 2 Houston. He was fined nearly $600.
“I offered to pay for the books. I offered to pay the late fee, but I can’t pay $600”she declared to NBC News.