The Scottish independence Prime Minister, Humza Yousaf, announced his resignation on Monday April 29, during a press conference in Edinburgh, a few days after putting an end to the coalition between his independence party and the environmentalists. After this divorce, opposition parties tabled two motions of no confidence in Parliament against Mr. Yousaf, and votes were scheduled for this week. The Greens having announced that they would vote against him, the Prime Minister found himself in the minority, and was looking for new partners – without success.
Overcoming current political divisions “can only be done by someone else at the helm”, he declared Monday, adding that he would remain in post until his successor was appointed. Parliament now has 28 days to find a new prime minister.
Mr. Yousaf stated that he is “not not ready to give up his principles just to cling to power » even if according to him it was “ absolutely possible » that he gets a vote of confidence by making a deal.
Left in turmoil
The decision to end the deal with the Greens came a week after the Scottish government admitted it would be unable to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030, without abandon its promise to achieve carbon neutrality in 2045.
The Scottish National Party (SNP) has dominated the local Parliament in Edinburgh since 2007 but has governed since 2021 thanks to this coalition with the Greens.
Mr. Yousaf had been in power since March 2023 when he took over from Nicola Sturgeon, who had also resigned, plunging the party into turmoil. The SNP is weighed down by an investigation for embezzlement for which its former director general has been charged.
At the national level, the party, which has 43 MPs in Parliament in London, is threatened by a strong comeback from the Labor Party in Scotland during the legislative elections scheduled for this year.