What are bruises
A bruise is a collection of blood under the skin that occurs when the smallest vessels under the skin, called capillaries, break. It may take place due to injury, illness, thin and dry skin and medications.
Take note ✍🏻
Who is most likely to bruise?
Anyone can experience bruises. But more often they there are in people:
- at an older age;
- with blood clotting disorders;
- with a low number of platelets – blood cells that help stop bleeding;
- taking certain medications—aspirin, blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen;
- alcohol abusers;
- with liver disease or damage;
- with a deficiency of vitamins C or K;
- with severe viral infections;
- with blood cancer;
- whose relatives often experience bruises.
What do bruises look like?
The bruises are usually flat, but can sometimes be slightly swell. They can be of different colors: red, purple, black, brown or yellow.
Over time, the bruises change color. Usually it goes like this:
- Day 1. Immediately after the bruise, a red or purple spot appears. The skin may become swollen due to blood pooling under the tissue.
- Days 3–4. The bruise will turn blue or blackish.
- Days 5–10. The spot may turn greenish or yellow.
- Days 10–14. The bruise will turn light brown and continue to lighten until it disappears completely.
How long does it take for a bruise to go away on its own?
On average you need about two weeks for the bruise to disappear. All this time, the spilled blood is absorbed by the surrounding tissues.
Moreover, the more blood there is under the skin, the more time it will take the body to resolve the hematoma. But the process can be accelerated. To do this, it is important to know at what stage of healing the bruise is.
Actions that increase blood circulation during the bruise formation stage will only increase its size. Therefore, what will help two days after a bruise should absolutely not be done the first.
How to remove a bruise if less than a day has passed since the injury
The bruise has not yet fully formed, so the main task at this time is to prevent it from growing.
Cool the bruise
On the first day, you need to reduce blood flow to the site of injury. This way the bruise will not grow or swell.
You can’t warm up the bruised area, much less massage it. This will increase blood flow and the bruise will grow.
Apply a cold compress. To do this, you can use an ice pack or, for example, frozen vegetables. Wrap it in a thin cloth or towel and apply it to the injured area. 15–20 minutes. You can do this 3-4 times a day.
Try limit movements, especially those that involve the affected area of the body. The more movement, the stronger the blood flow and the larger the expanding bruise.
Apply pharmaceutical cream or gel for bruises without a warming effect
Such drugs have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Search in the list of substances heparin. Most often it does not cause side effects effectsbut in rare cases allergic reactions, stomach upset, diarrhea and vomiting occur.
Try to keep the injured area above the level of the heart
Naturally, if possible. For example, if your leg is injured, lie down on the sofa and place your feet on a bolster or armrest. Gravity will force the blood cast from the site of the injury, which means the size of the bruise will be smaller.
Apply an elastic bandage
If the injury site is swollen, apply put a bandage on it, but not too tight: this is necessary to prevent swelling, and not to stop the blood flow.
Take painkillers
This method will not help remove the bruise, but it will reduce the pain. It is advisable not to take aspirin or ibuprofen. They liquefy blood and can lead to an increase in the size of the hematoma.
It is better to choose products based on paracetamol. The drug should not be taken pregnant women, people with liver cirrhosis and those who drink alcohol daily. In some cases, the active substance may cause hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, as well as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, itching, discoloration of urine and stool, and jaundice.
How to remove a bruise if more than a day has passed since the injury
As a rule, after 24 hours the bruise has already formed. The blood at the site of the bruise has already darkened and is visible through the skin. Now the main task is to speed up the resorption of the hematoma.
Warm up
This is necessary to stimulate blood circulation and remove all accumulated blood.
Fine recommended apply warm compresses to yourself. For example, a heating pad or a cloth moistened with warm water. You can apply them several times a day for 20 minutes.
You can also accept bath, massage or apply cream with a warming effect.
Take a pain reliever with a decongestant effect
If the area where the bruise occurred is still painful, you can now use aspirin and ibuprofen. Strictly follow the instructions for frequency and dosage.
Use creams or compresses with herbal extracts and vitamins
Studies show the effectiveness of some remedies:
- Cream with vitamin K improves blood clotting and promotes restoration of damaged capillaries and blood vessels.
- Cream with vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties and improves wound healing.
- Products based on pineapple extract, thanks to the plant enzyme contained in this fruit bromelainhave an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate the disappearance of bruises.
- Ointment or gel based on arnica extract reduces swelling and accelerates regeneration after dermatological procedures.
Read the instructions for these medications carefully for possible side effects. Monitor any changes in your condition.
What not to do
Do not try pierce bruise with a needle and release the blood – the hematoma will not become smaller. But you could damage something or get an infection.
Don’t ignore pain or swelling: severe discomfort may indicate a serious injury.
If a child has a bruise, don’t give him aspirin, especially if he has the flu or other viral illness. Taking the active substance can cause Reye’s syndrome, which causes sudden brain damage and problems with the liver.
When should a bruise be seen by a doctor?
Bruising does not always go away on its own. In addition, sometimes they can be symptoms of not the most pleasant diseases.
Necessarily consult with a therapist if there is a bruise:
- It does not disappear, although more than two weeks have passed since the injury.
- It is located under the eye and makes it difficult for you to see.
- Appeared seemingly for no reason. And what’s more, you regularly notice more and more bruises on your skin of an origin that is not entirely clear to you.
- Appeared after surgery or taking new medications.
- Begins to get larger or more painful.
- Signs of infection have appeared – discharge from the skin in the damaged area, the temperature rises.
- Accompanied by unusual bleeding, such as from the gums or nose. Or the color of your urine or stool has changed.
What to do to make bruises appear less often
Bruises are difficult to completely avoid. But you can try reduce risk of injury.
To do this, try to walk more carefully on slippery or wet surfaces, and place carpets at home in such a way that you cannot trip on them. Move furniture away from doorways and walkways to avoid bumping into hard corners.
Install bright lights at home and work. And when outside, walk on well-lit roads. If you still need to go somewhere where it is dark, use a flashlight.
Check your eyes and ears. Even slight declines in the quality of your vision and hearing can cause you to stumble and fall.
If you play sports, bike or rollerblade, wear protective equipment: arm pads, shin guards and helmets.
This material was first published in May 2018. In March 2024, we updated the text.
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