In April 2024, a new trend appeared on social networks – “face with subtitles”. This is what they call facial expressions when a person doesn’t seem to have said anything, but everything is written on his face. Bright facial expressions have become a source of irony, but sometimes it seriously interferes in real life.
What defines a “subtitled face”
Most often people talk about “subtitled face” when a person cannot hide his dissatisfaction. For example, you look a film that everyone praises, but you actually don’t like it, which is clearly visible on your face. Or you see On the street you meet an acquaintance whom you don’t like, and he notices it even from a distance. However, the “face with subtitles” also shows warm feelings: a person looks at her beloved and cannot hide her joy.
On TikTok, “face with subtitles” began to be attributed to characters from films. A striking example became Regina George from Mean Girls, who often gave other characters a disdainful look. “Face with subtitles” is not considered a problematic phenomenon, however, some users have noticed that facial expressions are sometimes provoked quarrel at an inconvenient moment.
Is it true that people are so unable to control their facial expressions?
Our emotions can really manifest involuntarily and uncontrollably. So, we laugh when we hear a joke, or we can burst into tears if something is very upsetting. Facial expressions work according to the same laws: if people are happy, upset or angry, it is likely that outwardly it will be clear how they feel. Why then do some have “subtitles” on their faces, while others react more calmly? The point is how a person relates to the manifestation of emotions.
People who rarely show emotions on their faces, as a rule, have specially learned this so as not to show their feelings to others. Most often, these are feelings that are considered “negative.” Some may not show that they are sad because they are afraid of appearing vulnerable. Another hides his anger so as not to be considered a bad person. According to psychologist Leon Seltzer, people often do not want to show their true emotions so as not to face the unpleasant reaction of other people. So there is a possibility that people with “subtitles” on their faces are simply more emotionally open.
Do I need to do anything with “subtitles” on my face?
It’s better not to suppress your emotions: they will accumulate, and at some point you might just explode. Holding back will not help cope with unpleasant feelings, but will only intensify them. So if bright facial expressions don’t interfere with your life in any way, you don’t have to worry about anything.
“Face with subtitles” becomes a problem if you also do not express your emotions in any way. For example, during quarrels with loved ones, instead of having an honest conversation, you withdraw into yourself and say that everything is fine. Meanwhile, anger rages on your face, and others see it. If silence is getting in the way, there are several ways to help yourself.
Don’t divide emotions into good and bad
As mentioned above, people withdraw because they don’t want to upset others or show vulnerability. According to psychologist Vicki Botnick, this is not a very good tactic. Strong feelings, including those that are considered negative, are a natural reaction to what bothers us.
Try not to invalidate your feelings with words like “just calm down,” “don’t get upset about such nonsense,” or “don’t freak out, it’s not that important.” When you deny your feelings, it will be more difficult for you to live through them and return to a comfortable state again.
Record what you feel
For example, keep a mood journal in which you write about situations and the emotions they evoke. This way you can find triggers and better avoid them later. For example, you noticed that conversations with relatives about fiances and children irritate you terribly. In this case, you can tactfully ask them not to touch on this topic.
It is best to keep your diary with you at all times. When emotions rage inside you, you can quickly record them.
Tell me what’s bothering you
It’s one thing if you and your girlfriend are watching Twilight and the main character’s actions make you roll your eyes. Another thing is that when you didn’t like the words of a colleague or manager, it’s better to show restraint. It is unlikely that an extremely dissatisfied person will contribute to a good attitude in the team. Instead, it is better to intelligently talk about exciting things.
According to Leon Seltzer, without serious conversations, you simply won’t be able to let someone know what’s bothering you. He may do the same thing over and over again without realizing what is bothering you. Because although your face reflects emotion, it will not be able to tell you what exactly the problem is.