Even if your treatment is carried out by the most popular and expensive doctor in the city, treat his prescriptions critically. Check the suggested remedies and methods.
We have collected several procedures. Some of them are useless and will hurt your pocket, while others are dangerous. If your doctor has prescribed you something from the list below, treat it as a red flag. And don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion from another specialist.
1. “Cuckoo” in the clinic
“Cuckoo” is the name given to nasal rinsing. This procedure helps remove dirt, reduce the risk of allergies, viral and bacterial diseases, moisturize the mucous membranes and inhibit the development of inflammation.
But there is a nuance: there is no point in paying for washing in the clinic.
What to do instead of “cuckoo” in the clinic
You can rinse your nose at home, even every day. It will be just as effective, but will save you money.
For the procedure, you can use your own saline solution or a special preparation from the pharmacy. You need to tilt your head and pour the liquid into one nostril so that the solution, having passed through the nasopharynx, pours out through the other.
Take note 🧐
2. Rhinophototherapy
Ultraviolet irradiators are used for the procedure. Manufacturers and some doctors offer use these devices for bronchitis, sinusitis, as well as for the treatment of influenza, ARVI and their complications.
But the problem is that there is no evidence that phototherapy is effective for these conditions.
Phototherapy may also be prescribed for allergic rhinitis. Judging by the research findings, the method May be effective in reducing symptoms. But what side effects patients who use the device for a long time may encounter is still not clear.
What to do instead of rhinophototherapy
For diseases, use methods with proven effectiveness:
- For ARVI and runny nose to relieve symptoms.
- For the flu get your doctor has a prescription for antiviral drugs based on oseltamivir And zanamivirand relieve symptoms.
- For bronchitis drink more fluids use painkillers and cough medicines, breathe moist air, for example, in the shower.
- For sinusitis find out the cause and fight it – antibiotics or antihistamines may be required.
3. Electrophoresis
The procedure is used to enter the medicine enters the body through intact skin. It is positioned as an alternative to injections and taking pills.
Before electrophoresis, the drug is dissolved in water and the resulting liquid is applied to a tissue that is placed over the electrodes. All this is attached to the skin, and then an electric current is applied. As soon as a charge arises, the drug ions begin to repel each other and supposedly permeate into the skin.
True, there is very little convincing evidence that the method works. The fact is that drug molecules are too largeand they simply do not pass through the skin.
So far, electrophoresis is considered effective only when hyperhidrosis. But in this case, use plain water, without adding drugs. And doctors note: the mechanism of action of the procedure is unclear, but the treatment can temporarily block the work of the sweat glands. In addition, patients may experience unpleasant side effects: dryness and cracking of the skin, as well as erythema.
What to do instead of electrophoresis
Find out how else you can take the medicine you need.
4. Magnetic therapy
The procedure belongs to the field of alternative medicine. The idea is based on the hypothetical ability of a magnetic field to influence blood circulation and increase blood flow to desired areas.
Proponents of this treatment suggest using static magnets to relieve pain from arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis. A electromagnets – for faster healing of bones after fractures.
There are no side effects from this treatment, and there are no benefits.
What to do instead of magnetic therapy
If magnetic therapy is the only treatment that has been prescribed to you, you need to look for another doctor. A diagnosed disease may require effective and evidence-based therapy.
Sometimes the doctor may suggest an expensive procedure with magnets in addition to treatment or the purchase of a special mattress. You should definitely refuse such offers. If you agree, you will only waste money and not get a positive effect.
5. Acupuncture
Acupuncture, or acupuncture, is a traditional Chinese method for treating everything. It also belongs to the field of alternative medicine.
During the procedure, thin needles are inserted under the skin to stimulate specific points throughout the body.
Some doctors appoint such therapy for any type of pain, kidney disease, glaucoma, hepatitis, stroke, epilepsy. Someone suggests treating ADHD with needles. And sometimes this method is even used as emergency aid for traumatic brain injuries.
In reality, there is almost no benefit from acupuncture. And where there is, the placebo effect seems to work.
The only time acupuncture may be justified is when migraine. Needles reduce the frequency of headache attacks, but only in conjunction with traditional treatment.
Generally, acupuncture is safe, but it can still lead to complications. The patient may become infected or suffer nerve damage. And if the needle breaks, a piece of it may remain under the person’s skin.
What to do instead of acupuncture
If you have migraines and acupuncture is the only thing prescribed for you, see a different doctor. Traditional treatments should be tried first, and acupuncture should only be used as an aid.
In other cases, needles will be of no use to you.
6. Cauterization of cervical erosion
Erosion – a condition in which the cells of the inside of the cervix become visible from the outside. Most often, erosion occurs without symptoms. But in rare cases, it can cause the following symptoms: vaginal discharge, pain and bleeding during sex or a gynecological examination, light bleeding between periods.
Erosion is harmless a condition that occurs due to changes in hormone levels. In Russia, doctors suggest treating it with cauterization. True, the benefits of such therapy are less than the possible risks. The procedure is painful. And after it they may appear side effects: infections, bleeding, cervical stenosis and problems with future pregnancies.
Moxibustion is primarily aimed at relieving symptoms. And as we said above, most women simply don’t have them, which means they don’t need treatment. As a result, after the procedure the appearance of the cervix simply changes.
What to do instead of cauterization
If there are no complaints, refuse the procedure. And if there are symptoms, before making a decision about cauterization, you should make an appointment with another gynecologist and undergo further examination. Perhaps it’s not erosion, but another diseasewhich requires treatment.
7. Caesarean section without indications
A caesarean section is an operation in which the doctor makes an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. It may be scheduled in advance or offered on an emergency basis.
The procedure is really necessary, if a woman cannot give birth naturally. For example, when:
- the child lies feet first or on his side and cannot be turned over;
- the cervix is blocked by the placenta;
- the baby is too big to be delivered naturally;
- the mother has preeclampsia – high blood pressure;
- the child does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients;
- pushing does not help give birth to a baby or the process is progressing too slowly;
- a woman is pregnant with twins, with the first child positioned at the bottom or feet first;
- the mother has certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, a genital herpes infection that occurred late in pregnancy, or untreated HIV.
The operation cannot be performed without indications. She coupled with great risks for the mother: extensive bleeding, deep vein thrombosis, bladder damage, infections. Possible complications in children include cuts to the skin and difficulty breathing.
What to do instead of agreeing to a planned caesarean section
If during pregnancy you realize that you have no indication for surgery, and the doctor suggests doing it, it is better to contact another specialist for a second opinion. You may not need a caesarean section.
If there are indications for surgery, you cannot refuse. This is life-threatening for both mother and child.
Consequences may be like this:
- fetal hypoxia and subsequent brain damage;
- placental abruption;
- Placenta previa is a condition where the placenta blocks the path through which the baby should be delivered during childbirth;
- injuries to the child during passage through the birth canal;
- increased risk of infections in mother and child;
- prolonged difficult labor;
- uterine rupture and heavy bleeding;
- death of a child or mother.
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